Hull, Deck and Superstructure Construction * Hull to Deck Joint Integrity * Deck Fittings * Superstructure * Bridge Deck * Cabin Appointments * Joinery and Finish * Bulkhead and Stringer Inspection * General Condition * Propulsion * Engine & Component Installation * Fuel System Inspection * Cooling and Exhaust Systems * AC & DC Electrical Systems * Generator Systems * Tankage & Systems * Sanitation Systems * Steering & Stabilizers * Ground Tackle * Electronics and Navigation * Thru-Hull Fittings * Bonding and Grounding * Safety Equipment * Bilge Pumps * Air Conditioning Systems * LPG Systems * Out of the water Inspection of the Hull's Wetted Surfaces, Hull sides, Thru-Hull Fittings and Underwater Appendages * Water (Sea) Trials.
Captain Frehm and the staff at Marine Surveyors Bureau, promises to help you with any of your vessel or client's needs, no job too large or too small. We pride ourselves for our friendliness, honesty, and most importantly, the depth, clarity and details of our inspections and reports. Marine Surveyors Bureau specializes in Yachts/Small Craft Surveying and Damage/Claims Consulting and investigations.
Sadu Frehm, AMS® is a SAMS®, Accredited Marine Surveyor and a SAMS "Mentor". SAMS® is an International Society dedicated to the advancement of the profession of marine surveying. SAMS® is one of the two major Marine Surveyor Societies whose surveys are universally accepted by all Insurance Companies, worldwide.
Captain Frehm is certified by ABYC® (American Boat and Yacht Council) for "Marine Standards". ABYC® develops safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, maintenance, and repair of small craft and their systems. ABYC's Marine "Standards" are the basis for industry-wide comparisons of products and performance. In lawsuits involving product liability, ABYC® standards are a reliable and authoritative reference for evaluation issues of design, construction, maintenance, and product performance.
Guidelines used to conduct ALL surveys and reports are: United States Coast Guard (USCG) Rules & Regulations, American Boat and Yacht Council Standards (ABYC®), and the National Fire Protection Association Standards (NFPA). For International and Commercial Vessels, additional guidelines used are SOLAS, MARPOL & ISO STANDARDS.
Email: sadufrehm@gmail.com
Ph: 561 676-4069
Jupiter, Florida
Hull, Deck and Superstructure Construction * Hull to Deck Joint Integrity * Deck Fittings * Superstructure * Bridge Deck * Cabin Appointments * Joinery and Finish * Bulkhead and Stringer Inspection * General Condition * Propulsion * Engine & Component Installation * Fuel System Inspection * Cooling and Exhaust Systems * AC & DC Electrical Systems * Generator Systems * Tankage & Systems * Sanitation Systems * Steering & Stabilizers * Ground Tackle * Electronics and Navigation * Thru-Hull Fittings * Bonding and Grounding * Safety Equipment * Bilge Pumps * Air Conditioning Systems * LPG Systems * Out of the water Inspection of the Hull's Wetted Surfaces, Hull sides, Thru-Hull Fittings and Underwater Appendages * Water (Sea) Trials.
Captain Frehm and the staff at Marine Surveyors Bureau, promises to help you with any of your vessel or client's needs, no job too large or too small. We pride ourselves for our friendliness, honesty, and most importantly, the depth, clarity and details of our inspections and reports. Marine Surveyors Bureau specializes in Yachts/Small Craft Surveying and Damage/Claims Consulting and investigations.
Sadu Frehm, AMS® is a SAMS®, Accredited Marine Surveyor and a SAMS "Mentor". SAMS® is an International Society dedicated to the advancement of the profession of marine surveying. SAMS® is one of the two major Marine Surveyor Societies whose surveys are universally accepted by all Insurance Companies, worldwide.
Captain Frehm is certified by ABYC® (American Boat and Yacht Council) for "Marine Standards". ABYC® develops safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, maintenance, and repair of small craft and their systems. ABYC's Marine "Standards" are the basis for industry-wide comparisons of products and performance. In lawsuits involving product liability, ABYC® standards are a reliable and authoritative reference for evaluation issues of design, construction, maintenance, and product performance.
Guidelines used to conduct ALL surveys and reports are: United States Coast Guard (USCG) Rules & Regulations, American Boat and Yacht Council Standards (ABYC®), and the National Fire Protection Association Standards (NFPA). For International and Commercial Vessels, additional guidelines used are SOLAS, MARPOL & ISO STANDARDS.
Email: sadufrehm@gmail.com
Ph: 561 676-4069
Jupiter, Florida